Gear Review: Schwinn Amplify Bike for Kids & Schwinn Circuit for Women

With so many different types of bikes to choose from it can be hard to determine which bicycle is best suited for you. However, if you know a few basics about each type of bike it will be easier to zero in on a bicycle that fits your lifestyle. S.-made Schwinns take oddball Schwinn size… Continue reading Gear Review: Schwinn Amplify Bike for Kids & Schwinn Circuit for Women

Gear Review: Schwinn Amplify Bike for Kids & Schwinn Circuit for Women

Our newest bike, the AC Performance Plus with Carbon Blue, is designed to enhance rider comfort with an infinitely adjustable seat and handlebars, a wider step-through and durable, covered stretch pads – all surrounded by a rust-free aluminum frame. A stronger drive train and carbon blue belt make for easy maintenance while delivering an authentic… Continue reading Gear Review: Schwinn Amplify Bike for Kids & Schwinn Circuit for Women

Gear Review: Schwinn Amplify Bike for Kids & Schwinn Circuit for Women

He attended engineering school a few nights a week, but his day job at the Excelsior factory gave him too much practical experience to keep up his interest in obtaining a college degree. In the 1980s, Waterford Precision started building cyclocross bikes. They are similar to the gravel bikes popular today, which also handle well… Continue reading Gear Review: Schwinn Amplify Bike for Kids & Schwinn Circuit for Women