Genesis mountain bike bicycles by owner bike sale craigslist

This review just seems like a rehash of a bunch of other reviews, by the average owner who may or may not know the first thing about adjusting a bicycle to keep it tuned up. My wife bought me this bike and i love it. I rode it to and from work and was worried I would wear my thighs out.

For simple transportation – I think this bike does the job. If you cannot afford a decent new bike, get a decent used bike. There is no possible way a company can sell a bike with a proper drivetrain and working front and rear suspension for $150. And those are the polite words I have for it. Did you even TOUCH this bike before you reviewed it??

However, the Spur was not designed with any reservoir equipped shocks in mind, and clearance for the reservoir was not a factor in the frame design. Transition Bikes is not responsible for any damage to a frame caused by a shock that we do not spec. Always genesis bicycles check bottom out clearances before riding a non-spec shock and to verify fitment email us at You’re a fool for thinking Walmart bikes are decent bikes. Sure they are cheap, heavy, made with really crappy components, and can get you from a to b.

There’s a reason bikes with fully functional brakes and shifters cost more than typical department store and X-Mart bikes. You don’t need an expensive bike to enjoy cycling, but don’t be fooled into thinking a cheap one is worth the money either. Given the lack of functionality of the Genesis V2100’s rear suspension, this actually makes a lot more sense. Plus, buying a bike at your LBS allows you to get fitted for the proper frame size. More than one review indicated a longer post or stem was needed, neither of which addresses the fact that the frame is a “one size fits most”. When it comes time to hit the trail, the effectiveness of the coil spring suspension on the Genesis V2100 caught a lot of owners by surprise.

The only good thing about these bikes that I like are the shumano derailleur, the tires, and the grips. My friend has one of these bikes and I’m trying to trade him tires lol. Genesis bikes became renowned for their use of steel tubing and ethos for function over form. We’re experiencing a very high volume of orders during the Pre-Holiday Season. Sign up for our Newsletter to receive inventory and new bikes updates. The Beta Site is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and we make no warranty to you of any kind, express or implied.