Spotlight: Ozark Adaptive Sports Association seeks volunteers for adaptive mountain biking conference

Unlike roadies, mountain bikes are flying over loose, bumpy terrain. Tires with too

much air lead to too much bounce, making for a jolty ride. Lower pressure helps with shock absorption while also

giving you more traction since more of the tire comes into contact with the ground.

Our introduction to archery is perfect for beginners or seasoned professionals to test their skills. “A lot of the times, traffic gets overwhelming, especially since with a lot of the festivals on the kent road bike weekends,” said Squirrel City Jewelers owner Michael Faehnel. These maps are an essential tool for riders in Seattle who need to know where to catch their bus and how to get to their destination.

After selecting a slip, you will not have an opportunity to return the slip for another. Enjoy a leisurely cruise on Kent Lake aboard the Island Queen III. You’ll be charmed by nature’s sights and sounds as you tour the lake on this 46-passenger pontoon kent hybrid bike boat. Capture panoramic vistas as the boat meanders around the lake, among islands and bays, and hear stories about the history of Kensington Metropark. Chance upon mute swans, Canada geese, mallard ducks and cormorants and even an occasional osprey.

And on a summer’s day, look for turtles basking in the sun. Explore over 700 acres of forests, fields, fens, and swamps. Discover rewarding scenic vistas and overlooks throughout the nature center trail area. Bundle up and enjoy a few hours ice-fishing on Kent Lake at Kensington Metropark.

You may bring in your own firewood or purchase firewood from the Kensington Metropark Office during office hours. To help stop the spread of forest pests and diseases, we strongly encourage campers to purchase campfire wood at the park. A valid Metroparks daily or annual boat pass, in addition to your vehicle pass, is required. If your boat (canoe, kayak or rowboat) is transported into the park inside or on top of your vehicle, you do not have to purchase a Boat Pass.

Safety and care

We will ensure your visit is as safe, rewarding and fun as possible. All our activities are risk assessed and relevant forms will be provided in advance of your visit. We are committed to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. We ask you to read our Policy and agree to meet the same standards as those expected of our staff.