US Supreme Court Opinions and Cases FindLaw

The court does not find sufficient evidence to warrant it finding that such things did occur. In each instance where that is charged and where there has been cancellation of a franchise, there has been other good and sufficient reason therefor. Even if retail dealers had lost their franchises for selling wholesale to unfranchised dealers, it would be a lawful cancellation. By franchising the local cycle outlets and dealing with them only, Schwinn has remained in business and is still furnishing the best grade bicycle at prices now below those of 1951 and still making a profit.

Such a rule might severely hamper smaller enterprises resorting to reasonable methods of meeting the competition of giants and of merchandising through independent dealers, and it might sharply accelerate the trend towards vertical integration of the distribution process. But to allow this freedom where the manufacturer has parted with dominion over the goods the usual marketing situation would violate the ancient rule against restraints on alienation and open the door to exclusivity of outlets and limitation of territory further than prudence permits. But we are dealing here with a vertical restraint embodying the unilateral program of a single manufacturer. We are not dealing with a combination of manufacturers, as in Klor’s, or of distributors, as in General Motors.

As the District Court held, where a manufacturer sells products to his distributor subject to territorial restrictions upon resale, a per se violation of the Sherman Act results. And, as we have held, the same principle applies to restrictions of outlets with which the distributors may deal and to restraints upon retailers to whom the goods are sold. Under the Sherman Act, it is unreasonable without more for a manufacturer to seek to restrict and confine areas or persons with whom an article may be traded after the manufacturer has parted with dominion schwinn beach cruiser over it. Such restraints are so obviously destructive of competition that their mere existence is enough. If the manufacturer parts with dominion over his product or transfers risk of loss to another, he may not reserve control over its destiny or the conditions of its resale. 6

To permit this would sanction franchising and confinement of distribution as the ordinary instead of the unusual method which may be permissible in an appropriate and impelling competitive setting, since most merchandise is distributed by means of purchase and sale.

In larger cities the competing retail dealers are not ordinarily next door or across the street. They are appropriately spaced throughout different sectors of the city. Schwinn did not coerce or bring about the reduction in the wide areas covered by these three distributors. They took this action themselves and generally reduced their sales of other products in a like manner. Schwinn’s action concerning the division of certain borderline or overlapping counties in the territories of these distributors and Guaranty Cycle of St. Louis, Missouri, is discussed under the territorialization issue herein.

We offer new bikes, used bikes, accessories, and repairs on all brands while you wait! We also have the areas largest selection of BMX/Freestyle bikes and parts from Haro, odyssey and many others. Liberty Bell bikes has been Philadelphia’s largest schwinn ebike Cannondale, Schwinn and GT dealer for over 50 years. We offer new bikes,used bikes, accessories, and repairs on all brands while you wait! Quad Cycles is a Schwinn dealer based in Arlington, Massachusetts, just a few miles from Boston.

Other road bikes were introduced by Schwinn in the early and mid 1960s, such as the Superior, Sierra, and Super Continental, but these were only produced for a few years. The Varsity and Continental sold in large numbers through the 1960s and early 1970s, becoming Scwhinn’s leading models. The major difference between the two models was the use of a tubular front fork on the Continental — both bikes used the same frame design, a lugless, steel unit, using Schwinn’s standard Ashtabula cranksets and welded in such a way that the joints were smoothly filled (similar to the joints in 21st-century composite frames). The wheel rims were likewise robust, chromed, stamped steel with a unique profile designed to hold the tire bead securely, even if pressure were low or lost. Centuries ago, it could perhaps be assumed that a manufacturer had no legitimate interest in what happened to his products once he had sold them to a middleman and they had started their way down the channel of distribution. But this assumption no longer holds true in a day of sophisticated marketing policies, mass advertising, and vertically integrated manufacturer-distributors.

We’ve selected components that are low maintenance and offer uncompromising quality ride after ride. Our patented, durable and threadless Morse Taper design keeps the pedals fastened tightly to the bike and prevents breakage. With a Q factor of 162 mm, and smooth belt drive, our drivetrain provides a comfortable ride that users will love. For over a decade, the Schwinn has set the standard as the cycle studio workhorse. Now, 20 years after Schwinn built the first production bike for indoor cycling, we are proud to introduce the IC Classic that combines the proven, traditional drive train of the IC Pro 20 with updated features of the rock solid Studio 3.