His and hers Schwinn adult beach cruiser bikes

So I wanna talk to you about how does Sixthreezero compare to Schwinn. Schwinn’s simple laid back elegance is personified in the 1980 Ladies’ Cruiser. With the time-proven dependability of a coaster brake, wide whitewall balloon tires, a comfortable saddle and wide handlebars. Companies like Schwinn, also Huffy, way too big of volume to be doing that kind of one-off customization.

With that said, the other thing with Sixthreezero is we really focus on seats and comfort. So I think, personally, you’re gonna find our seats to be more comfortable than Schwinn seats. We use different foams, different sizes, different springs like that, that are gonna make our cruisers way, way more comfortable, especially as you move up in the price range. If you go to the In the Barrel schwinn dealers or the women’s cruisers, you’re gonna see our seats, the bucket saddle, the stitching, it looks really nice, and it’s all about comfort. From your first ride without training wheels to a summer cruise at the beach with your friends, the thrill of riding a bike never gets old. Many of our fondest memories are tied to experiences we’ve had on bikes, rooted in unbridled joy and carefree fun.

Close-up of the Schwinn derailleur for riders who prefer Cruiser 5-speed versatility. The classic knobby tire, schwinn beach cruiser white walled look of this model is what Cruisers are all about. Schwinn Cruisers offer three wheel sizes.

schwinn beach cruiser

I only use it two miles a day but it has exceeded my expectations. I have to ride in the rain sometimes and have had no problems although I allways keep a can of WD-40 to spray on the battery contacts. The product we are price matching needs to be identical to the product we have in stock. That means the product must be identical size, model year, color, etc.

Most e-cruisers are class 1, which means they top out at 20 mph, but some go as high as 28 mph . If you’re in need of some two-wheeled therapy, a beach cruiser might be your saving grace. Where we differ from Schwinn, is you just look at our color selection. We use a much different pallet, pastels, colors like that, and our speed options. If you look at our women’s cruiser, Around the Block cruisers, you can get all of those in one speed, three speed, seven-speed, twenty-one speed.

They look like most cruisers out there, other than they do have the nostalgic feel of having the Schwinn name on it. Hey guys, Dustin here, CEO of Sixthreezero. Want to talk to you today about how do Sixthreezero beach cruiser bikes compare to Schwinn beach cruiser bikes? Now, Schwinn’s obviously been making beach cruisers for a long time, they have a great selection. Schwinn beach cruisers are kind of known as the original beach cruiser.